Trendy a barvy ve zdravotnických uniformách pro rok 2025 – nakupte již teď během Black Friday!

Healthcare Uniform Trends and Colors for 2025 - Shop Now During Black Friday!

With the new year comes not only new challenges and opportunities, but also new fashion trends in the field of medical clothing. The year 2025 brings a fresh look at design, colors and cuts that will appeal to health professionals looking not only for practicality, but also for style and comfort. Healthcare fashion is becoming increasingly sophisticated and attractive, reflecting a trend where healthcare uniforms are not just workwear, but also an expression of personal style.
November 12, 2024 — Kateřina Štěpánková
Evoluce a inovace: Moderní materiály ve zdravotnickém oblečení – Od klasické bavlny po high-tech tkaniny

Evolution and innovation: Modern materials in medical clothing - From classic cotton to high-tech fabrics

Medical garments have undergone major changes over the past decades, mainly due to advances in materials and technology. While in the past cotton and linen were the most commonly used materials, today medical clothing is made from innovative fabrics that have antibacterial properties, repel liquids or are resistant to stains. These new materials not only increase the comfort of health workers, but also improve their safety and protection at work.
November 01, 2024 — Kateřina Štěpánková